Professional All Breed Handling
B i o g r a p h y
For as long as I can remember my family has always had a dog. I grew up with Labradors at my side. We shared everything from ice cream cones to toys! When I was 10, we moved to a 100 Acre farm and my mom started to show and breed Labradors.
We would go to shows together for a mother and daughter weekend. When I was 12 I got my first job with a handler showing Goldens and Labradors and some working breeds.
At 15, I was Top Junior Handler for Central Ontario and competed to go to Crufts with my English Pointer, “Tia”.
Shortly after I took a break from the show world to finish school and graduated top in my class.
When I came back to showing I started working with one of Canada’s top handlers, Allison Alexander-Foley who introduced me to the wonderful world of Poodles!
In 2003 I showed Am. Can. Ch. Mia V. T’Leurse Hoefpad to Top Havanese in Canada and attended my first Westminster show with her.
I had the pleasure to guide MBIS Am. Can. Ch. Kineret’s Little Hero, to #1 Toy Poodle and #8 Toy Dog in Canada in 2008.
I then worked and showed with the Litilann’s Team (Standard Poodles) in Kentucky for 3 years where I perfected my skills in the Poodle ring.
It's nice to be back in Canada again and I’m happy to be showing all breeds, specializing in coated breeds and Poodles, all varieties, in Ontario and occasionally in the US.
I am presently owned by "Zach", my Mini Bull Terrier, and my two Toy Poodles, "Archer" and "Ada"!