Professional All Breed Handling
Handling Rates
Note: All expenses are pro-rated (divided evenly for each dog).
Base handling rates - $85.00 Per Show (per day)
- Standard Poodle $110.00 Per Show (per day)
- Miniature Poodles - $90.00 Per Show (per day)
- Toy Poodles - $85.00 Per Show (per day)
Pre-Show Grooming - $50.00 - $200.00
Per Show (per day) - Ring Side (handed to Sarah at ringside) $95.00
Specialty Shows (at All-Breed Shows) $250.00
Independent Specialty Shows $250 - $500.00
National Specialties, Westminster, & Purina National rates available upon request.
Additional charges for wins:
Group 1st - $85.00
Group 2nd - $75.00
Group 3rd - $65.00
Group 4th - $55.00
Best Puppy In Group - $55.00
Best In Show - $250.00
Reserve Best In Show - $200.00
Best Puppy In Show - $150.00
Best In Specialty Show - $250.00
Best Puppy In Specialty Show - $150.00
Specialty WD/WB (Winners Dog / Winners Bitch) - $150.00
Specialty BOS (Best Opposite Sex) - $150.00
Specialty AOM (Award of Merit) - $150.00
Boarding $500.00 per month or $20.00 per day:
(Grooming is extra)
The handler will exercise due care and precautions but will not be held responsible for escape, self-inflicted damage, theft, injury inflicted by other animals, illness, loss or any other unavoidable occurrences.
All dogs will be shown personally, except under circumstances beyond the handler's control, at which time it is understood that another competent handler of the handler's choosing will replace the handler.
All charges with respect to entries, shipping fees, veterinary work, medications or special diets are the owner's responsibility.
All dogs are expected to be up to date on all vaccinations including parainfluenza and rabies. A certificate is required for US shows.
All cash awards are retained by the handler.
All fees must be paid in full before the dog is released to the owner.
A 10% interest rate will be added to bills not paid after 30 days of the statement date.
A $25.00 charge will be assessed for all NSF cheques and the client will be put on a cash-only basis.